MTGBR holds annual "festivals," at which time students play two pieces in front of a judge and are graded Superior, Excellent, Satisfactory, Fair, or Needs Improvement.
MTGBR holds annual "festivals," at which time students play two pieces in front of a judge and are graded Superior, Excellent, Satisfactory, Fair, or Needs Improvement.
"NFMC Festivals are local events sponsored annually by the National Federation of Music Clubs through its member clubs and are designed to promote the study of music, to stimulate interest in American music, and to encourage each participant to reach a high standard of musical achievement. The Festivals provide opportunities for both young and adult musicians to perform and receive an evaluation from qualified judges. Participants do not compete against each other, but are rated on individual merit, with each performer receiving a certificate of participation indicating the rating received. All Festival participants are eligible to enroll in the NFMC Federation Cup Program in which points are awarded each year (based on rating) and accumulated until cup requirements are attained."
From https://www.nfmc-music.org/festival/:
From https://www.nfmc-music.org/festival/:
This is not a competition, but rather an adjudication. Judges are respected teachers that do not know the students involved. The judging involved is similar to taking a test at school, as the judge is watching to see that the student knows the music, is using appropriate hand position, and is implementing musical nuances called for in the music. If students are prepared (and have practiced!), they should do quite well.
Students get a certificate for participating and earn points toward a trophy. After 3 or more years, they can earn their first trophy. As many as 5 trophies can be earned by the time they graduate from high school, with each trophy being successively larger! Many students work toward several trophies simultaneously for solos, ensembles, hymns, etc. Each instrument has several categories available!
In festivals held by MTGBR, students play privately in front of a judge. This is a wonderful performance opportunity for students! Students will also receive a comments sheet from the judge (which may reinforce comments that the students' teacher has stated!). Also, festival gives students a deadline to truly learn their music, which is necessary with our busy students!
Festivals give students confidence and goals to work for. Recitals are then held by teachers so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of their practice!
For more information, visit https://www.nfmc-music.org/festival/
Link includes information for:
1. judging guidelines (what judges are looking for in your students' performances!)
2. sample theory tests
3. why students should participate in festival!
Students get a certificate for participating and earn points toward a trophy. After 3 or more years, they can earn their first trophy. As many as 5 trophies can be earned by the time they graduate from high school, with each trophy being successively larger! Many students work toward several trophies simultaneously for solos, ensembles, hymns, etc. Each instrument has several categories available!
In festivals held by MTGBR, students play privately in front of a judge. This is a wonderful performance opportunity for students! Students will also receive a comments sheet from the judge (which may reinforce comments that the students' teacher has stated!). Also, festival gives students a deadline to truly learn their music, which is necessary with our busy students!
Festivals give students confidence and goals to work for. Recitals are then held by teachers so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of their practice!
For more information, visit https://www.nfmc-music.org/festival/
Link includes information for:
1. judging guidelines (what judges are looking for in your students' performances!)
2. sample theory tests
3. why students should participate in festival!