Organization Websites
State Organization: LFMC (
Visit the LFMC website for more information concerning local competitions, concerts, and other pertinent information.
National Organization: NFMC (
Visit the LFMC website for more information concerning local competitions, concerts, and other pertinent information.
National Organization: NFMC (
Current Bulletins can be purchased through NFMC. Call 317.882.4003. Price $10 each + $5 S&H
Have your credit card handy when you call. Can also now order online.
Have your credit card handy when you call. Can also now order online.
Resources for Theory Festival
Sample Theory Tests and Answer Sheets available for free download on NFMC website.
Visit the link here and scroll down to item JR 6-1 under the Festival Forms list. There are practice tests and answer keys for all levels available to download as PDFs. This is an invaluable tool to prepare your students for the theory test!
Visit the link here and scroll down to item JR 6-1 under the Festival Forms list. There are practice tests and answer keys for all levels available to download as PDFs. This is an invaluable tool to prepare your students for the theory test!
O'Neill's Music House
10689 Perkins Rd. Suite C. Baton Rouge, LA 70810 225-767-3790 |
Music and Arts Store
(formerly Alison's World of Music) 14340 Airline Highway Gonzales, LA 70737-6613 (225) 677-9299 |
Music and Arts Store
(formerly Zeagler Music) 7003 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 225-929-8986 |
Piano Technician (Tuner)
Ducharme's Piano Service Justin Ducharme 225-573-2209 |
Piano Technician (Tuner)
Greg Boles (newer instruments) (225) 772-4621 |
Piano Movers
Capital Piano Service Abraham Rogers 225-413-7954 |